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1.2.3 List of Add-on / Certificate Courses

       No. of Students Enrolloled Certificate Add-on Program

2.1. Number of Students Year wise During Last Five Year

        2020-2021 Students List

        2019-2020 Students List

        2018-2019 Studnets List

        2017-2018 Students List

        2016-2017 Students List

        2015-2016 Students List

        Class, Category wise students enrollment 2016 to 2021

        Competent authority by affiliating university

        Number of sacntion students and admitted students

2.1.2 Average Percentage of seat filled against reserved categeries.

       Category Wise Students

       HEI Process of Scholarship

2.3.3 Ratio of Students to Mentor for Academic and other related issues.

        IQAC Notice for Allotted Mentees (DVV)

        Mentor Wise Mentee List (DVV)

        Issues Raised and Resolved (DVV)

2.6.3 Number of Outgoing / Final Year students year-eisw during Last five year

        Result 2016-17 to 2020-2021

        University Result

3.1 Number of Full time teachers year wise during the last five yeras.

        3.1 DVV New

3.2.2 No. of workshop/Seminar/Conference counducted on Research Methodology, Intallactual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship during the last five years.

1 List of Seminar, Conference and Workshop

2 Environment Coservation Workshop 2016-2017

3 Workshop on Sexual Harassment 2016-2017

1 List of Seminar, Conference and Workshop 2017-18

11 Workshop on Sexual Harassment 2017-2018

12 National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Problem of Child Labour) 2017-2018

13 Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Recent Trends in Economics) 2017-2018

14 National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Pol Scie)2017-2018

15 National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Commerce)2017-2018 

16 National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Recent Trends in Pub Adm) 2017-2018

17 National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Science & Commerce (Recent Trends in History) 2017-2018

1-List of Seminar/ Conference

11 Workshop on Laws for Women 2018-2019

12 Workshop on Environment Coservation 2018-2019

13 National Conference on Employment Oriented Education and Marathi Language 2018-2019

14 National Conference on Hindi Sahitya aur Sinema 2018-2019

15 National Conference on Importance of Criticism 2018-2019

1-List of Seminar/ Conference

11 National Seminar on Financial Assistance for Organization 2019-2020

12 National Seminar on Women Empowerment Through Enterpreneurship and Skill Development 2019-2020

13 National Seminar of Recent Trends in Indian Agriculture 2019-2020

1-List of Seminar/ Conference

11 National Webinar on Administration & Currency Management in King Shivaji Reign 2020-2021

12 International Webinar in History 2020-2021

13 National Webinar on Carrer Opportinities in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries after U.G & P.G. 2020-2021

14 National Webinar on Significant Role of Life Science in Pandemic like Covid-19 2020-2021

15 National Webinar on Importance of Vedic Mathematics and Some Thought of Mathematics 2020-2021

16 National Webinar on Impact of Fruits and Green Vegetables on General Immunity 2020-2021

17 National Webinar on Women Empowerment (Concept of Reality) 2020-2021

18 National Webinar on Women Empowerment (Concept and Reality) Pub Adm 2020-2021

19 National Webinar on History of Pandemic and its Effect on Society 2020-2021

20 Indian Stock Market 2020-2021

21 National Webinar on Recent Trends in Advanced Material Characterizations 2020-2021

22 Samkalin Parikshem me Yuva aur Sahitya 2020-2021

23 International Conference on Diaspora Literature 2020-2021

24 Online Symposium on Shakespeares Sonnets 2020-2021

4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation.

        2016-17 Infrastructure Agumentation

        2017-18 Infrastructure Augmentation

        2018-19 Infrastructure Agumentation

        2019-20 Infrastructure Agumentation

        2020-21 Infrastructure Agumentation

4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals.


4.2.4 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students.


4.4.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning.The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning.

Physical Facilities Expenses

        2016-17 Physical facilities Expenses

        2017-18 Physical facilities Expenses

        2018-19 Physical facilities Expenses

        2019-20 Physical facilities Expenses

        2020-21 Physical facilities Expenses

Academic Facilities Expenses

        2016-17 Academic facilities Expenses

        2017-18 Academic facilities Expenses

        2018-19 Academic facilities Expenses

        2019-20 Academic facilities Expenses

        2020-21 Academic facilities Expenses

5.1.1 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government.

        5.1.1 Scholarship & Freeships

5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefitted by scholarships, freeships etc. provided by the institution / non- government agencies.

        5.1. 2 Average percentage of students benifited

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives  taken by the institution.

        2016-2017 capacity Bulding & Skill enhancement

        2017-2018 capacity Bulding & Skill enhancement

        2018-2019 capacity Bulding & Skill enhancement

        2019-2020 Capacity Bulding & Skill enhancement

        2020-2021 capacity Bulding & Skill enhancement

        5.1.3 Resource Parson List

        ICT & Computing Skill

        Language & Communication

        Life Skill

5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated.

        Certificate of Students

        Students Participetion List

6.3.2 Average Percentage of teachers Financial Support to attend seminar/ conference.

         Financial Support to Staff 2020-21

         Financial Support to Staff 2019-20

         Financial Support to Staff 2018-19

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

        NAAC Certificate

        IQAC Committee Composition 2016-17 to 2020-21

        IQAC Activities Meetings

        ISO 2016-17 to 2020-21

        AAA, Green, Energy, Enviroment Certificate

        Annual Reports 2016-17 to 2020-21

        AQAR Submission 2016-17 to 2020-21

        AISHE Certificate 2016-17 to 2020-21