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 2.1.1 Average Enrolment percentage.  

             Sanction of Intake from Affiliating University

           Sanction Students & Admitted Students

           Students list 2016-2017

           Students List 2017-2018

           Students list 2018-2019

           Students List 2019-2020

           Students list 2020-2021

           Department wise Students Strength

             Students Sanction seat & Enrollment List 2022-23

2.1.2 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories.

         Reserved Seat Policy

         Class, Category wise students enrollment 2016 to 2021

        Reserved Students at Glance

        Category wise students list 2016 to 2021 

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners.

          Slow Learner

          Advance Learner 2016-2017

          Advance Learner 2017-2018

          Advance Learner 2018-2019

         Advance Learner 2019-2020

         Advance Learner 2020-2021

         Wallpaper- Advance Learners

          Slow learner 2021-22

        Slow Learners 2022-23

2.2.2 Student- Full time Teacher Ratio.

         Students- Full Time Teacher Ratio

         List of Full Time Teachers 2020-2021

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences. 

               Experiential Learning

                   Practical Record

                   Study Tour and Industrial Visit

                   Students Research Project

                   Wallpaper Presentation by Students

                   Group Discussion 2022-23

                   Practical Record 2022-23

                   Language Laboratory 2022-23

             Participative Learning

                   Community Works

                   Skill based training programme

                   Students Participation in Various Competitions

                   Students Seminar & Group Discussion 2016-2017

                   Students Seminar & Group Discussion 2017-2018

                   Students Seminar & Group Discussion 2018-2019

                  Students Seminar & Group Discussion 2019-2020

                 Photographs of Students Seminar and Group Discussion

                 Wallpaper Persentation 2022-23

                 Students Seminar 2022-23

                Commerce Association 2022-23

                Celebration of Various Day 2022-23

                Marathi Language Fortnight 2022-23

                Guest Lecture 2022-23

            Problem Solving Methodologies

                    Soil Testing

                    Water Testing

                   H.B. Detection & Health Checkup

                   Farmer Interaction for Crop Related Issuse

                  Water Testing 2022-23

                  Soil Testing 2022-23

                 Students Research Project 2022-23

                 Farmer Visit Report 2022-23

                 H.B. Detection Camp 2022-23

                 Blood Donation Camp 2022-23

2.3.1 Seminar & Group Discussion 2021-22

2.3.1 Studentc centric, experiential learning, problem solving methodologies 2021-22

2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.

        List of ICT Tools

        ICT Resorurces Audio-Video

        E- Sources, Study Material

        Subject Related E- Journal

        Google Classroom, Google Meet

        Zoom Meeting

        Youtube Channel

        Online Quiz

        Organized SeminarConference & Webinar

         Photo of Teaching- Learning with ICT

         Power Point Presentation (PPT)

          Social Media

2.3.3 Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues. 

         IQAC Notice for Allotted Mentees

         Mentor - Mentee Ratio

        Issues raised and resolved 2016- 2017

        Issues raised and resolved 2017- 2018

        Issues raised and resolved 2018- 2019

        Issues raised and resolved 2019- 2020

        Issues raised and resolved 2020- 2021

        Photographs of Mentor- Mentee Activities

         Issues raised and resolved 2021-2022

        Issues raised and resolved 2022-2023

2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years.

         Sanction Letter of Full Time Teacher

         Sanction Post & Filled Post

         University Approval & Appointment Order of Full Time Teachers

         List of Full Time Teacher Filled Post 2016-2017

         List of Full Time Teacher Filled Post 2017-2018

         List of Full Time Teacher Filled Post 2018-2019

         List of Full Time Teacher Filled Post 2019-2020

         List of Full Time Teacher Filled Post 2020-2021

2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt.  during the last five years  (consider only highest degree for count)

         Full Time Teachers List 2016 to 2021

         List of Ph.D. Research Guide

         List of Research Scholar

         Number of Full Time Teachers & Number of teacher with Ph.D

         Ph.D. Completed Full Time Teachers 2016-2017

         Ph.D. Completed Full Time Teachers 2017-2018

         Ph.D. Completed Full Time Teachers 2018-2019

         Ph.D. Completed Full Time Teachers 2019-2020

         Ph.D. Completed Full Time Teachers 2020-2021

         Ph.D. Notification

          Letter of Ph.D. Research Guide 2022-23

          Ph.D. Notification 2022-23

          Research Scholar - Approval Letter 2022-23

2.4.3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution.

         Experience Certificate

         List of Full Time Teachers with Experience - 2020-2021

2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode.

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2016-2017

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2017--2018

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2018-2019

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2019-2020

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2020-2021

        Mechanism of Internal Assessment Committee 2022-2023

        Internal Evaluation 2016-2017

        Internal Evaluation 2017-2018

        Internal Evaluation 2018-2019

        Internal Evaluation 2019-2020

        Internal Evaluation 2020-2021

         Internal Evaluation 2021-22

        Internal Evaluation 2022-2023

2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient.   

        External Examination Committee

        Mechanism of Grievances

         Mechanism of Grievances 2021-22

         Mechanism of grievances 2022-2023

2.6.1 Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students.

         Programme Outcome (POs)

         Course Outcome (COs)

2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.

         Department wise topper in university examination

         Students performance in various activities

         Students participation in culture programme

         Students participation in college annual magazine

         Self Entrepreneurs

         Students achievement in sport

         Students appeared in competitive examination

         Department wise Result and Toper Students 2022-23

         Students achievement in sport 2022-23

         Students Admitted UG to PG 2022-23

         Students Appeared in Competitive Examination 2022-23

         Students participation in culture programme 2022-23

          Students Participation in Krida Mahotsav 2022-23

          Students Performance in Various Activities 2022-23

          Students Placement 2022-23

2.6.3 Average pass percentage of Students during last five years.

         Program Wise Result 2016-17 to 2020-21