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1.1.1 The Institute ensure effective curriculam delivery through a well planned and documented process.

        Affiliation letters

        Time Table

        Departmental Time Table

        Departmental Meeting

        Daily Teaching Plan

        Annual Teaching Plan & Photograph

        Syllabus Complete Report -2016-17

        Syllabus complete Report -2017-18

        Syllabus Complete Report -2018-19

        Syllabus Complete Report- 2019-20

        Curriculum Delivery Policy and Procedures

        Bridge Course 2016-2017

        Bridge Course 2017-2018

        Bridge Course 2018-2019

        Bridge Course 2019-2020

        Time Table 2022-23

        Remedial Course 2022-23

        Departmental Meeting 2022-23

        Departmental Workload 2022-23

        Bridge Course 2022-23

        Annual Teaching Plan 2022-23

1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE.

        Academic Calendar 2016-2017

        Academic Calendar 2017-2018

        Academic Calendar 2018-2019

         Academic Calendar 2019-2020

        Academic Calendar 2020-2021

        Departmental Academic Calendar

        Test Time Table 2016-2017

        Test Time Table 2017-2018

        Test Time Table 2018-2019

        Test Time Table 2019-2020

        Exam Time Table 2021

        Academic Calender 2022-2023

        Internal Test Time Table 2022-2023

        Syllabus Completion Report 2022-2023

        Various Activity Report 2022-2023

1.1.3 Teachers of the  Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum  development  and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following  academic bodies.

        Academic Council - BOS of Affiliating University

        Question Paper Setter

        Design and Development of Curriculum

        Assesment and Evaluation Process of the Affiliating University

        External Examinar of Project Work- Practical

        Board of Studies 2022-2023

        Paper Assessment -Evaluation Work 2022-2023

        Examination Work (Paper Setting) 2022-2023

1.2.1 Percentage of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/ elective course system has been implemented.

        CBCS- M.A History

        CBCS- M.A. Marathi

        CBCS- M.A.Hindi

        CBCS- M.Sc Chemistry

        CBCS- M.Sc. Mathematics

        CBCS-M.Sc.Computer Science



        Elective course - Marathi

        Elective Course - Hindi

        Elective Course - English

        Elective Course - History

        Elective Course - Political Science

        Elective Course - Public Administration

        Elective Course - Economics

        Elective Course - Sociology

        Elective Course - Physical Education

        Elective Course - Physics

        Elective Course - Chemistry

        Elective Course - Botany

        Elective Course- Zoology

        Elective Course - Mathematics

1.2.2 Number of Add on /Certificate programs offered.

        Value Added Course 2016-2017

        Value Added Course 2017-2018

        Value Added Course 2018-2019

        Add on Course 2019-2020

        Certificate Course 2016-2017

        Certificate Course 2017-2018

        Certificate Course 2018-2019

        Certificate Course 2019-2020

        Certificate Course 2020-2021

        Diploma Course 2018-2019

        Diploma Course 2019-20

        Diploma Course 2020-2021

        Add on- Certificate -Diploma Courses 2022-2023

1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in Add-on/Certificate programs as against the total number of students during the last five years.

        Certificates of Diploma Courses

        No. of students for certificate and Diploma Courses

1.3.1 Institution  integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional  Ethics,  Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum.

        cross cutting 1

        cross cutting 2

        Cross Cutting Issues 2022-2023

1.3.2 Average percentage of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship.

        Project Work Syllabus

        Survey Photos

        Project Work 2022-2023.

1.3.3 Percentage of  students undertaking project work/field work / internship. 

        Students Project List 2016-2021

        Total Number of student for Project Work

1.4.1 Institution obtains  feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the following  stakeholders.

         1) Students 2)Teachers 3) Employers 4) Alumni 

        Feedback Form 2016-2017

        Feedback Form 2017-2018

        Feedback Form 2018-2019

        Feedback Form 2019-2020

        Feedback Form 2020-2021

        Alumni Feedback Form 2022-2023

        Employer Feedback Form 2022-2023

        Students Feedback Form 2022-2023

        Teacher Feedback Form 2022-2023

1.4.2 Feedback process of the Institution.

        Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2016-17

        Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2017-2018

        Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2018-2019

        Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2019-2020

        Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2020-2021

        Alumni Analysis Report 2022-2023

        Employer Analysis Report 2022-2023

        Students Analysis Report 2022-2023

        Teacher Analysis Report 2022-2023